The following is
an attempt to concisely identify and explain the most prominent characteristics
of the Holy Spirit revealed in Scripture in a systematic way. It is a daunting
task and so a few shortcuts have been taken that should be clarified up front.
The basic structure and attributes of the Holy Spirit that form the outline of
this paper have been borrowed from Charles Ryrie’s Basic Theology, a book that does a good job of explaining the bare
essentials of theology in plain English for anyone to read. Basic Theology will be the primary
source in this paper just behind the scriptures themselves, and other
Systematic Theologies will act as support works. One other shortcut taken is
that not every scripture about the Holy
Spirit will be analyzed. Ideally, every single reference in the Bible to the Holy
Spirit would appear in this paper and would be exposited to understand what it
tells us about the Holy Spirit’s character, but this is an unrealistic goal for
a ten- to twelve-page paper. The point of this paper is to get the basics, not
the particulars. That being said, the attributes of the Holy Spirit that will
be discussed are: (1) His Personhood, (2) His Deity, (3) His Indwelling Work,
(4) His Filling Work, (5) His Baptizing Work, (6) His Sealing Work, and (7) His
Gifting Work.