
Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Script

A script has been given to Christians today
It tells them the words that a Christian should say.
Lord fill my heart or Lord give me peace
Lord use your power to make my pain cease
We speak the right words and we do the right deeds
And say we're, quote, "ready to go and plant seeds."
if you pray for me then I’ll go pray for you.
Take love and make love… but show love? To who?
My neighbors are mean, and my enemies lie
And I want my friends to think I’m a nice guy!
This script, farce, lie, fantasy, play we perform
To satisfy those who, like us, are lukewarm
Who claim to believe and say that they know
But really right now have a lump in their throat
Cause they never did stop for a minute to think
Is it actually true?

                            before taking a blink
And then joining in singing and praising THEIR God.
The created lay’s claim never thinking it's odd.
Simply say the right words and close your eyes tight.
It won’t have to be true if I act the part, right?

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